About Me

My photo
Kansas, United States
I am an aspiring photographer and love photography!!! I have an Associates of Science in Computer Animation and am pursing another AS in Digital Photography at the International Academy of design and technology. My husband is in the Army and we are stationed in Kansas. I am a total couch potato and am, unfortunately, addicted to Reality TV. :-/

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New to this blog phenomenon....

As I sit at Panera with my sister-friend (a term we coined explaining the hierarchy of a friendship) of roughly 20 years, I try to figure out what all the "blogging" business rave about this .

I figure it's basically an online journal. Right? Sounds pretty interesting. Although, then I wonder how interesting ones' life has to be to actually write about it and to have other people want to follow along....

I guess we will have to see how interested people are in following the struggles of an aspiring photographer......